
90% of parents and caregivers across Louisiana agree that today’s youth face many complicated issues

Today’s youth face many complicated issues and should be educated so they can make informed decisions when exposed to these issues in the real world. That includes information on abstinence, birth control, and condoms. Parents and caregivers across the state, REGARDLESS of religious beliefs recognize the value of sex education to address the challenges faced by young people.

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More information for caregivers and parents

61% of Louisiana parents and caregivers surveyed believe their child has received or will receive sex education in school.

In reality, it’s likely kids are not receiving any. Medically-accurate, fact-based curriculum in schools could help improve the overall health of Louisiana’s youth.

Question the Curriculum

9 out of 10 Louisiana parents and caregivers surveyed want their children to be taught:
  • How to deal with peer pressure to have sex
  • How HIV/AIDS and other STDs can be prevented
  • Other topics related to sexual health like the spread and prevention of HIV/AIDS & STDs

Take back “The Talk”

More than 80% of Louisiana parents and caregivers believe their kids should be educated about the following to empower them to make informed decisions about sex:
  • Self-esteem building
  • Healthy relationships
  • Peer pressure

What do parents and caregivers want?

87% of Louisiana parents and caregivers want their children to learn about healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Parents want their teens to be a part of positive, healthy relationships while also having the tools to identify damaging habits and strategies for removing themselves from harmful situations.

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84% of Louisiana parents and caregivers agree the basics of puberty and reproduction should be taught in schools.

The survey showed that, while parents want to feel in control of what their teens are learning, there are some topics they are unsure about. Medically-accurate, age-appropriate lessons in the classroom can help support the talk parents are having with their teens at home.

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