Face the Facts
Parents and caregivers like you have told us they believe it’s important for their children to receive comprehensive sex education (CSE). The truth is, kids in Louisiana schools are not being taught CSE – it’s possible their school curriculum includes no sex education at all.
Here’s what parents and caregivers surveyed in Louisiana have to say about comprehensive sex education:
4 out of 5 believe a sex education program should be taught in Louisiana schools that emphasizes abstinence and also includes information on birth control.
Approximately 9 out of 10 parents and caregivers surveyed want their children to be taught:
- How to deal with peer pressure to have sex
- How to bring up sexual health concerns with parents and caregivers
- How HIV/AIDS and other STDs are spread, and how they can be prevented
- Self-esteem-building and coping skills
- About healthy and unhealthy relationships and signs of abuse
- About rape and what to do if someone is sexually assaulted
Parents and caregivers surveyed feel that sex education programs should include information on self-respect, healthy relationships and emotional maturity in order to promote general wellbeing as well as empowered, informed sexual decision making.
For the health of our youth, it’s time to incorporate CSE into our schools. It all starts with a conversation that begins at home.
Kick off the conversation and Geaux Talk with your child. We know it may be awkward at first, but it’s a sign of your child’s growth, maturity and trust that you can have these discussions.
The best times to Geaux Talk are when both you and your child are in a good mood, like after a great family dinner or game night. Depending on their age, there are certain things they should know, and things they’re probably already wondering about. Start a conversation to make sure your child gets factual information and sound advice based on your own family’s values.
To review what other Louisiana parents & caregivers think about school-based sex education, see our report below.
It Takes A Village
Keeping Louisiana’s youth healthy through lower STD rates and reduced unplanned pregnancies is a community issue. The conversation must start at home and continue in schools across Louisiana.
If you believe that the full picture of sexual health goes beyond your front door, please use this guide to get in touch with policymakers and let them know that you support more comprehensive sex education in our schools. Together we can work to help Louisiana kids and teens make smart, informed decisions that will keep them safe and healthy.
Geauxing for it
With so much information within reach, it’s likely that your child’s sex education knowledge is already beyond abstinence. Prepare your child with information on topics they will likely encounter with factual information that matches your family values.
Use the Conversation Starters to select the topics you’d like to discuss with your child. We realize that every family’s personal values and perspectives will affect the way they handle each topic, so these guides will simply provide you with questions to think about and ways to get the conversation started.
The Facts at Hand
Are you looking for information you can share with family and friends? Download the Fact Sheet below.