Caregiver Conversation Starters

Parents - Take Back "The Talk"

It takes a village to raise a child. This is especially true when it comes to sex education in our state; conversations should start at home but they need to be continued at school. While you can equip your child with the information they need, you are doing them a disservice if you don’t help equip potential partners with the same information.

Consider this guide as a first step in empowering the youth in our lives with the information they need to navigate puberty and beyond. With smartphones and information always within reach, each of the following topics is something our youth are going to encounter. Shouldn’t they be getting the right information?

Start the conversation you want to have with your child and equip them with the information they need (even the nitty gritty details). After that? Make sure they are getting the same information at school.

Questions to consider before talking to your kids

  • What are our family/religious values and how does that affect our views on sex education?
  • How can we incorporate them into a discussion about sexual health?


Topics to ask your middle school student about

Sexual Health and Puberty

Healthy Relationships

Mental Health and Bullying

Topics to ask your high school student about

Sexual Health and Puberty

Healthy Relationships

Mental Health and Bullying 

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